Sunday, July 11, 2010

Jul10-16: All Have Sinned

Teaching Points

1. How does Paul describe every human being


  • Rom. 3:10-18, —There is none that are righteous or does good, they are deceitful, bitter and curse, swift to shed blood, destructive, and miserable, and have no fear of God before them. 
  • Rom. 3:19—guilty before God.
  • Rom. 3:23—All have sinned. 
2. What is the result or payment for sin?


  • Rom. 6:23—death. 
3. What is the answer to the death-sin problem?


  • Rom. 6:23—The gift of God through Jesus Christ.
4. What does the name “Jesus” imply and why did he come?


  • Matthew 1:21—“Jesus” is connected to the idea of Saviour.
  • He came to save us from our sins
5. How do we know what Jesus came to save us from—what is sin?


  • Rom. 3:20—By the law is the knowledge of sin.
  • 1 Jn. 3:4—Sin is the transgression of the law—breaking the law. 

  • Paul describes humans as naturally bad, unrighteous, deceitful, destructive, miserable and the list goes on!
  • The reason for this is that “all have sinned.”
  • The punishment or payment for sin is death—therefore all will die.
  • Jesus, the gift of God, came to save us from our sins.
  • The law shows us what Jesus came to save us from—it reveals what sin is.
6. How does Jesus save us from sin?


  • Rom. 3:24, 25—By faith in His blood, His righteousness is declared in place of our past record of sins.  
  • Being justified. 
7. What do all, both Jews and Gentiles, need in order to be saved?


  • Rom. 3:22-27—The righteousness of Christ by faith—nothing we can do can atone for our past record of sin, but faith in Jesus’ blood who died to free us from the debt for those sins.  

  • By faith in Christ’s death for us and faith that He credits His righteousness in place of our past record of sins, Jesus saves us from sin—this is justification. Now by faith, Jesus’ record of righteousness is put in the place of our record of sins.
  • This is what all humans need because all have sinned. Jesus death paid the death penalty for our sins if we accept it. 

  • "All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God," and for this reason the Lord has provided a remedy for sin: "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." "And ye know that he was manifested to take away our sins; and in him is no sin. Whosoever abideth in him sinneth not; whosoever sinneth hath not seen him, neither known him." The true test of religious experience is here given. He that abideth in Christ is perfected in the love of God, and his purposes, thoughts, words, and actions are in harmony with the will of God expressed in the commandments of his law. There is nothing in the heart of the man who abides in Christ that is at war with any precept of God's law. Where the Spirit of Christ is in the heart, the character of Christ will be revealed, and there will be manifested gentleness under provocation, and patience under trial. "Little children, let no man deceive you; he that doeth righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous." Righteousness can be defined only by God's great moral standard, the Ten Commandments. There is no other rule by which to measure character. "He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning." It was the refusal of Satan to obey the commandments of God that brought sin and apostasy into the universe. "For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil."  {Signs of the Times, June 20, 1895 par. 6} 
  • The Son of God endured the wrath of God against sin. All the accumulated sin of the world was laid upon the Sin-bearer, the One who was innocent, the One who alone could be the propitiation for sin, because he himself was obedient. He was one with God. Not a taint of corruption was upon him…{Signs of the Times, December 9, 1897 par. 6} 
  • And was all this suffering undergone to give men the liberty to transgress the law of God?--No, no. This scene of suffering was because of the law transgressed. In order to save the sinner, and yet meet the demands of the law, it was necessary for Christ to suffer the sinner's penalty. Satan's falsehood that has placed the Christian world as transgressors of God's law would not have been found in such company if his temptations had not taken with them as they did with Adam, if by their tradition man had not made void the law of God in the place of leading men to obedience to all its commands.  {Signs of the Times, December 9, 1897 par. 7} 

  • Paul describes the evilness of the human heart and reveals the problem: sin.
  • This problem of sin caused another problem: death.
  • In order to have eternal life we need a Saviour: Jesus.
  • Jesus came to save us from sin: breaking the law.
  • Jesus paid our death penalty and puts His righteousness in place of our past record of sin: justification.
  • In order have this great gift from God we must accept it by faith. 

  • Do you accept the reality that you are a sinner in need of a Saviour?
  • Are you willing to come to Christ, confess you sins and your need of salvation and accept His blood for you?
  • Are you accepting Christ’s righteousness in place of your record of sin or are you clinging to your sins?

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