Teaching Points
1. What diet did God give to man at creation?
- Gen. 1:29—seed bearing herbs and fruits. All plant based foods: vegetables, fruits, nuts, grains, legumes.
2. When did God allow flesh eating?
- Gen 9:3—after the flood.
3. What are the standards God set for eating flesh?
- Gen. 9:4—no blood.
- Lev. 3:17—no fat or blood should be eaten.
- Lev. 11—only clean animals should be eaten.
4. What are the risks of eating flesh?
- Ex. 16:3; 15:26—diseases of the Egyptians.
- Gen. 6:3—God used the results of the flood and permission to eat meat to drastically shorten life span: 900+ to 120—if we make it.
- God gave mankind the best diet for optimal health at creation.
- After the flood God allowed man to eat animals because of the shortages of vegetation.
- God gave specific instruction: no blood, fat, or unclean animals—God is not being arbitrary, these things are unhealthy for us!
- Eating flesh foods contributes to higher risk of disease and shortened lifespan.
7. What will God’s people be eating in heaven?
- Rev. 2:7; 22:2—Fruit from the tree of life.
- Isa. 11:9—there will be no hurting and destroying.
- Isa 65:25—even the animals: wolf and lion will be vegetarian.
8. What does God promise to those who obey His health rules and trust Him?
- Ex. 23:25—God will take sickness from us.
- God’s redeemed people will be eating a plant based diet in heaven.
- God wants the very best for us. If we will follow God’s counsel and eat for strength we will be healthy.
- … Our Creator has furnished us, in vegetables, grain, and fruits, all the elements of nutrition necessary to health and strength. Flesh-meats composed no part of the food of Adam and Eve before their fall. If fruits, vegetables and grains are not sufficient to meet the wants of man, then the Creator made a mistake in providing for Adam. {ST, January 6, 1876 par. 19}
- No one is to be indifferent in this matter. Life, eternal life, is presented to all as a gift of God, if they will receive it. Will they show wisdom, as did Daniel and his fellows, to refuse the meats and the wines which, if used, will spoil the Lord's wonderful and beautiful machinery? Will they reason from cause to effect? They -- yes, the supposedly wealthy men -- need wisdom as to how to conduct themselves so as to preserve their powers of mind and body. They are ignorant in regard to the effect of their eating and drinking, and do not know what a temperate diet will do for them. {RH, January 7, 1902 par. 4}
- In the study of hygiene, students should be taught the nutrient value of different foods. The effect of a concentrated and stimulating diet, also of foods deficient in the elements of nutrition, should be made plain. Tea and coffee, fine-flour bread, pickles, coarse vegetables, candies, condiments, and pastries fail of supplying proper nutriment. Many a student has broken down as the result of using such foods. Many a puny child, incapable of vigorous effort of mind or body, is the victim of an impoverished diet. Grains, fruits, nuts, and vegetables, in proper combination, contain all the elements of nutrition; and when properly prepared, they constitute the diet that best promotes both physical and mental strength. {Ed 204.3}
- Our creator gave us the optimal diet for health-fruits, grains, nuts, and vegetables.
- After the flood God gave permission to eat flesh because of a lack of food available.
- If meat is eaten it should be clean and free of blood and fat.
- Flesh eating shortens life and causes many diseases.
- We—if we are saved—will be vegetarians in heaven.
- God wants us to be in health and He will keep us healthy by following His health laws.
- Eating flesh foods is not wrong as long as it is clean, fat and blood free. But if we truly want better health and avoid the diseases, then limiting or avoiding meat entirely would be a healthier choice.
- Are you seeking to obey God’s health laws?
- Are you seeking to come as close to God’s ideal diet as possible?
- If you are eating meat are you choosing only clean meats and avoiding the fat and blood in the meat?
- Are you letting God be in control of your nutrition choices and seeking to honor Him with what you eat?
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