Teaching Points
1. Read John 14:6 and consider the following questions.
- Who is the truth?
- Is there any other way to truth
- In order to have truth what must we have?
- Can you have truth without Jesus?
2. Read John 17:17 and consider the following questions.
- By what are we sanctified?
- What is truth?
- How does this correlate with John 14:6?
- Who is the Word?
- Is all of God’s word truth or only part?
3. What is the definition of Truth?
- Strong’s Hebrew: H571—Stability, certainty, trustworthiness, right, faithfulness; H530—firmness, stability, security, fidelity, truly, verily.
- Strong’s Greek: G225—true, truly, verity, not concealing.
- The Quarterly gives a very good working definition.
- Truth is found in Jesus. It is by a close relationship to Christ that we can know truth.
- Bible truths have their foundation and true definition in Christ. He is the center and sole source of all truth.
- Christ lived the truth and the only way to come to our Father is by Christ. There is no other door to heaven.
4. Where does God want truth?
- Psalm 15:2; 51:6—in the inside or in the heart (mind).
5. What role can truth play for us?
- Psalm 91:4—it is a shield of protection.
6. What is God’s law?
- Psalm 119: 142, 151—God’s law is truth.
7. What does God want to write in our minds?
- Hebrews 8:10—God’s law is truth.
- Psalm 37:30-31—The righteous man has God’s law in his heart which keeps him from slipping.
- Christ wants the truth to be written in our hearts so that we love it and will not turn from it.
- The truth in our hearts is like a hedge of protection or a shield in battle.
- God’s law is truth and protection to us.
- God wants to write His laws in our hearts and minds so that we will love His laws and they will be a guide to our feet.
- Outside of Jesus is there any other way to know truth?
- With this Biblical definition of truth can truth be subjective or is Bible truth absolute?
- Why is it necessary for us to have God’s laws written in our hearts?
- How does a loving relationship with Jesus aid in understanding and applying truth?
- Can we safely separate the truth from Christ?
- Why is it vital to present all our Bible doctrines centered around Christ?
- In the last days why is it important that we have absolute truth to base our faith on?
- How can we cooperate in this process?
8. Can we know truth and what is the condition of knowing truth?
- John 8:31-32—We can know the truth if we continue in Christ’s words. This has the idea of both doing the word and continuing to “stay in” or to study the word constantly.
9. What special aid does Christ offer to teach us truth?
- John 16:13, 15:26—The Spirit of Truth (Holy Spirit) guides us into all truth and testifies about Jesus, the truth.
- The Bible tells us we can know truth. The condition is to immerse ourselves in God’s word and bring our lives into conformity to God’s will with Christ’s strength.
- We need the Holy Spirit to teach us truth. This is why Christ told us about Him.
- The Holy Spirit (if we ask with open heart) will guide us into all truth.
- He “testifies” or gives us a deeper appreciation and understanding of Jesus the truth.
- The gems of truth become dimmed in our possession unless we are increasing in love for the truth, and practicing that faith which works by love and purifieth the soul. The gems of truth grow lusterless to the receiver unless put to a practical use. Hearts must be softened and subdued by the Spirit of God, receiving the truth in the soil of an humble, contrite heart. Isaiah 57:15-19. They will be active, and willing to be refined, longing to be purified and ennobled by the truth. And thus they show its power upon human minds by what it accomplishes for the receiver. If the teachers of the truth think their own ways are perfect and, begin to criticize the messenger the Lord sends, be sure you will reap that which you have sown. You will reap the fruit born of your criticism. {1SAT 157.2}
- I beg of you to institute the inquiry, How many of you have the Holy Spirit of God, represented as oil in the vessel with the lamp. Here is the light; you have the truth, the precious gems of truth offered to you--the glorious unfolding of the truth from the Word of God. The coming of the Lord is presented before you, "Prepare to meet thy God." This subject is not dwelt upon half as much as it should be; preparation is essential. God has not given us any time to stop. {1SAT 181.1}
- It is only at the altar of God that we kindle the taper with holy fire. It is only the divine light that will reveal the littleness, the incompetence, of human ability, and give clear, distinct views of the perfection and purity of Jesus Christ. It is only as we view His righteousness that we hunger and thirst to possess it, and ask in earnest prayer, in humility and simplicity, as a little child asks an earthly parent for some good thing, that God will grant unto us our heart's desire. Such prayer is heard and answered. The Lord is more willing to give the Holy Spirit to them that earnestly desire it than are earthly parents to give good gifts to their children. Christ has promised the Holy Spirit to guide us into all truth and righteousness and holiness. The Holy Spirit is not given by measure to those who earnestly seek for it, who by faith stand upon the promises of God. They plead the pledged word of God, saying, "Thou hast said it. I take Thee at Thy word." {1SAT 273.1}
- Truth is more than just knowing a set of Bible doctrines. It is knowing the man behind the message: Jesus Christ. This knowledge gives Biblical teachings their proper place and sheds a clearer light and deeper meaning on them.
- Jesus is the only source of truth. .
- A close, loving relationship with Christ is the only way we can fully understand truth and have eternal life.
- God has given us His word and His law to be like a shield of protection for us and a guide to our feet.
- We can know truth if we will “continue” in Christ’s word.
- The Holy Spirit is the agent God uses to teach us truth and guide in our relationship with Christ.
- In order for God’s law to benefit us, God needs to write it in our hearts.
- We must seek this asking God to write His law in our hearts and give us an appreciation and love for His standard of truth.
- Do you really know Jesus?
- Do you love Jesus so much that you would die before sining?
- Are you centering your understanding and presentation of the Biblical doctrine in Christ?
- Are you seeking to align your life with the principles of God’s word through Christ?
- Are you pleading for the Holy Spirit to give you understanding of God’s word?
- Are you diligently, daily “continuing” in the word to know Christ and His will?
1 comment:
A lot of thought-provoking stuff here...I appreciate it.
Vaden Chandler
The Arete' Blog
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