Teaching Points
1. How did God create all things?
- Gen. 1:3, 6, 9, 11, etc.—God spoke things into existence.
- Psa. 33:6-9—God spoke everything into existence.
2. In what areas can we see God’s love for man at creation?
- Gen. 2:7—God formed man—touch and breathed into his nose—close intimate relation.
- God took more time and care in creating man which showed His love.
3. How did/does God show His love in response to the sin problem?
- John 3:16—God gave Jesus.
- 1 Pet. 18-20—the plan of salvation was in place before the foundation of the world.
- Rev. 13:8—Jesus is considered as if He died in the beginning for our salvation—His death was that sure.
4. What did God risk for our salvation?
- Heb. 1:1-3—Jesus created all things and upholds all things by His word. In other words Jesus keeps everything existing by His word.
- If Jesus had failed and fallen than “all things” would have been lost.
- God risked all creation to save man.
- God reveals His great love for us in both creation and redemption.
- Before sin there was a plan set in place for our salvation.
- This was a risky plan but our loving God was willing to risk all for you and me.
- He loves us!
5. Who is man? And how much interest does God take in us?
- Psa. 144:3, 4—Man’s life is short and quickly passes away but yet God knows us and keeps record of us.
- Mat. 10:33—God knows the number of hair on our head.
- Psa. 56:8—God knows our life and puts our tears in His book.
- Psa. 139:2, 3—God knows when we sit down and get up—everything!
- Think of the vastness of the universe in comparison to our world and yet God still cares so much about us!
6. What attitude will fill our hearts as we think about God’s loving care and the amazing way He made us?
- Psa. 139:6—Amazement at God’s understanding and care.
- Psa. 139:17—God’s thoughts are precious toward us.
- Psa. 139: 14—I will praise you because of the wonderful way you created me!
7. How does this attitude of praise and thankful joy affect our health?
- Psa. 42:11—Praise aids in victory over depression.
- Pro. 17:22—A glad or cheerful heart makes the bones healthy.
- Neh. 8:10—The joy of the Lord is our strength.
- Our creator knows every detail of our lives.
- Even though our lives are for a very short time God still centers His attention on us.
- When we begin to dwell on Christ’s amazing love and care seen both in our creation and the plan of salvation it should fill our hearts with praise and we can join the Psalmist in exclaiming, “I will praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made!”
- Praise, cheerfulness, thankfulness, and joy actually aid in keeping our bodies healthy! They give us strength and energy and healthy bones and blood.
- If your bones are weak and dry can you be healthy?
- How does feeling loved and cared for aid in health?
- If we do not realized God’s love and care for us and feel rejected by others is it likely that we will stay healthy long?
- What evidences of God’s love and care can you dwell on today?
8. Who is the source of health?
- Psa. 43:5—God gives health to our countenance.
- Pro. 3:5-8—Trust in the Lord and acknowledging Him in all our ways, not trusting in our own ways brings health.
- Pro. 4:22—Listening to and obeying God’s word gives life and health.
- God is the source of true, vibrant health.
- It is by trusting in the Lord—not ourselves—and listening to and obey His Word that we can experience the very best health.
- The view held by some that spirituality is a detriment to health, is the sophistry of Satan. The religion of the Bible is not detrimental to the health of either body or mind. The influence of the Spirit of God is the very best medicine for disease. Heaven is all health; and the more deeply heavenly influences are realized, the more sure will be the recovery of the believing invalid. The true principles of Christianity open before all a source of inestimable happiness. Religion is a continual wellspring, from which the Christian can drink at will and never exhaust the fountain. {CH 28.1}
- Promote Health and Long Life.--Courage, hope, faith, sympathy, love, promote health and prolong life. A contented mind, a cheerful spirit, is health to the body and strength to the soul. "A merry [rejoicing] heart doeth good like a medicine" (Proverbs 17:22).--MH 241 (1905). {2MCP 647.3}
- A person whose mind is quiet and satisfied in God is in the pathway to health.--RH, Mar 11, 1880. (ML 150.) {2MCP 648.1}
- Result of Obedience to Physical Laws.--Health, life, and happiness are the result of obedience to physical laws governing our bodies. If our will and way are in accordance with God's will and way; if we do the pleasure of our Creator, He will keep the human organism in good condition and restore the moral, mental, and physical powers in order that He may work through us to His glory. Constantly His restoring power is manifested in our bodies. If we cooperate with Him in this work, health and happiness, peace and usefulness, are the sure results. --MS 151, 1901. (1BC 1118.) {2MCP 648.2}
- In order to be fitted for translation, the people of God must know themselves. They must understand in regard to their own physical frames, that they may be able with the psalmist to exclaim, "I will praise Thee, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made." They should ever have the appetite in subjection to the moral and intellectual organs. The body should be servant to the mind, and not the mind to the body. {CD 33.1}
- God created us with love and tender care. Before sin can God had a plan set in place for our salvation because of his great love.
- It is by beholding Christ’s love for us in our creation and redemption our hearts may be filled with praise.
- As we learn to trust in Him with all our hearts and listen and obey His word God will give us abundant health.
- God our creator is the only source of complete health and true joy.
- Are you beholding Christ’s love in creating you and His plan to save you?
- Are you looking everywhere but to God and His word for health?
- Do you trust Jesus to have full control of your life by faith?
- Are you seeking to align your life with the principles of health in God’s word through Christ?
- Are you pleading for the Holy Spirit to give you understanding of God’s word?
- Are you experiencing joy and salvation in Christ which leads to vibrant health?
- Are you meditating day and night on God’s word?