Saturday, October 17, 2009

Oct 17-23: Trumpets, Blood, Cloud, and Fire

Teaching Points

1. Read Numbers 9:1-5. Why do you think God wants the Israelites to keep the Passover year after year?


  • To remind the Israelites that they were delivered from Egypt.
  • To remind the Israelites that they were delivered by God.
  • To remind the Israelites that they were chosen by God.
  • To remind the Israelites that they were protected from death because of the blood of the lamb.


  • It is important for us to be reminded that we were “purged from” our old sin. 2 Pet. 1:9
  • It is important for us to be reminded that without the Deliverer we are a “wretched man.” Rom. 7:24, Ps. 18:2
  • It is important for us to be reminded that we have been chosen to be His special people. Deut. 7:6-8, 1 Pet. 2:9
  • It is important for us to be reminded that only the blood of Jesus can save us. Rev. 7:14; 12:11


  • The blood on the doorposts was a sign of protection from the plague; therefore the seal of the Living God would be a sign of protection during the seven last plagues.


  • Is there a connection between the experience of the Lord’s Supper and the receiving of the seal of the Living God?

2. Read Num. 9:15-23. Based upon Neh. 9:19, what was God trying to teach the Israelites with the cloud by day and the fire by night?


  • Neh. 9:19 Yet thou in thy manifold mercies forsookest them not in the wilderness: the pillar of the cloud departed not from them by day, to lead them in the way; neither the pillar of fire by night, to shew them light, and the way wherein they should go.
  • To show God’s mercy
  • To show God’s protective care
  • To lead them in the way and the way wherein they should go


  • God allowed the Israelites to feel His presence 24/7.
  • God was teaching the Israelites to trust God’s movement and to obey God’s leading day and night.
  • The cloud and the tabernacle were always together.


  • What would be the spiritual connection between the cloud and the tabernacle?
  • Read Rev. 10:1-3. Notice the “cloud” and the “pillars of fire.” Is there a connection between how God led the children of Israel and how He led the Advent movement?


  • Do you have to see the visible presence of God in order to follow His ways?
  • How do you keep God in “view” day and night?

3. Read Numbers 10:1–10. What was the purpose of the blowing of these trumpets?


  • Num. 10:2 – For calling of the assembly
  • Num. 10:2 – For journeying of the camps
  • Num. 10:4 – For calling of the princes
  • Num. 10:5 – For to break the camps
  • Num. 10:9 – For to go to war
  • Num. 10:9 – For to remind the people of God’s protection
  • Num. 10:10 – For the feast days and ceremonial offerings


  • Notice the seven trumpets in Rev. chapter 8 through 11
  • Notice the usage of trumpets at the second coming of Christ. Matt. 24:31; 1 Thess. 4:16, 16; 1 Cor. 15:52
  • The Seven Trumpets in the book of Revelation, in a symbolic way, are preparing the Advent Movement for the anti-typical Day of Atonement.
  • God will use trumpets, in a literal way, to gather His people at the second coming of Christ.


  • Is there a spiritual trumpet that needs to make a loud sound today?
  • What do you think about the following verses with the above question? Eze. 33:6; Joel 2:1, 15, 16.

4. What request did Moses make of Hobab, Jethro’s son? What was his response? Num. 10:29–32.


  • Moses’ request: Come with us and help us find good location for our camp.
  • Hobad’s response: He said no but at the end he went with Moses.


· “Moses didn’t consult God before he tried to persuade Hobab to accompany Israel. Was not the presence of God in the pillar of cloud by day and fire by night more than sufficient to guide the migrating nation through the wilderness? Here we see Moses’ humanity waffling before the challenge that faced him, and failing to remember that the God who opened the Red Sea also could open a path through the deserts and provide both food and water.” SSL p. 34


  • How often do we forget to ask God for direction and guidance?
  • Discuss about the danger of leaning upon the arms of flesh based upon the following verses.
  • Jer. 17:5 Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD.
  • Psa. 118:8 It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.
  • Psa. 146:3 Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help.
  • Prov. 29:25 The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the LORD shall be safe.
  • How easy is it for us to lean upon a rich man or a talented man for the success of God’s work? How could we overcome this weakness in our church today?

5. Read the account in Numbers 10:11–36 of the Israelites’ first journey as God’s organized, covenant people. What’s the one thing that stands out regarding the manner in which they moved? Why would that be so important?


  • The Israelites took their journey in an orderly fashion.
  • If the move were not done in orderly fashion then there would be a major disaster.


  • So far in the book, Numbers reveals the way God sets up His government and manages His people.
  • God definitely wants His people to be organized. In a similar way, I believe in the organized structure of our church. Some people are not favorable towards organized religion, but I do not think they would appreciate disorganized religion. Whatever we do, if we are going to reflect His character, then we should be careful about doing things in an organized manner. In most cases, the problem is not so much with the structure, but with the people. Therefore let’s not try to solve church problems by destroying the structure. The one of the best ways to solve any church problem is to allow the word of God to be preached and be taught with the spirit of Christ.


  • How are you going to solve your church problem?
  • Is just pray for your church enough or do you need to do something to solve church problems?
  • Based upon this week’s lesson, when is the best time to move forward with the church plan? (Hint: The Cloud)

1 comment:

Revival and Reformation said...

Connection Between Lord's Supper and Seal of the Living God: Lord's Supper represent Jesus. Jesus is the Lord of the Sabbath (Mark 2:28). Sabbath is a seal of the Living God.